
My International studying & working experiences have entitled me to become an amicable, understanding, patience and strong team player. Able to work well with a variety of people, personalities & languages, communicating and listening to everyone, accepting cultural differences, and trying new and exciting decision, even thought they could be wrong.

Studying and living abroad helped me to build many soft skills as the above described, including problem-solving, time management, critical thinking, decision-making, organizational and stress management.

It made me more adventurous, courageous, hopeful, sociable, understanding, patience, flexible, money conscious, saver, responsible, punctual, organized, goal driving, perseverant, secure, stronger, fighter, etc.

Correspondingly, I achieved numerous hard skills, including technical, computer, analytical, financial, marketing, HR management and project management, between others.

And most importantly, being capable to supreme procrastination, plus react & adapt to difficult situations in a positive manner.